Pete and Pete Productions

New Releases

Horrid Extra Dry

Horrid extra dry commercial 1981

0 10030 Article rating: 3.0

Filmed on the rooftop of TSS, this commercial had it all. Bad audio and bad acting.

Cesca-Anna Movie

Your my best friend.

0 9875 Article rating: No rating

A quick little video of Cesca and Anna to Queen's "You're My Best Friend."

Anna and the Green Screen

Testing out the green screen.

0 9424 Article rating: 4.5

I was always facinated with the concept of "green screen" and wanted to always have the ability to try it out.

Lila and Thomas the Train

It's the Lila Monie

0 9533 Article rating: No rating

You never know when an idea is going to present itself, and this one, was during an early morning... Yes, in the bathroom. It is what it is. The thought of it though came from Olivia screaming at the top of her lungs the day before at Katz' Deli. We're at the table and she's screaming, "go go Thomas, go!"


About Us

Pete & Pete Productions is a fictitious production company that has been producing family hits since the early 90's. First established in 1992, we've gone on to produce albums, TV shows, movies, etc... The company was founded and named by Peter E. Amari Jr., in acknowledgement of collaborative ventures with his son Peter E. Amari III. The goal was, and still is, to promote 3 things:

  1. Family involement/enjoyment
  2. Fun memories
  3. A reason for us to do stupid shit

We hope you enjoy seeing, reading, and hearing items from the past, as well as our future endeavors.

Pete & Pete

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